My Skillset

I know languages like C++, Python, JavaScript, Verilog and ROS. I also know a lot of python libraries like Keras and PyTorch which I very often use for Machine Learning Purposes, Pandas, Numpy, Scikit, etc. I have a diverse set of skills from design to Semantic and well structured HTML + reasonable and efficient CSS + JS + React ( for building complex UIs ). I love things that are open source I use VS Code as my editor and Windows and Ubuntu as My operating system.

My Work

About Me

I am a 3rd year Undergraduate studying in Indian Institute Of Technology, Kanpur since 2019. Some of my interests include Machine Learning and App Development. I like coding a lot, but what I like more is perhaps meeting new people! So, if anyone is here, feel free to reach out to me!

My Craft in a Nutshell

I love simplicity so I try my best to make things as simple as possible. I am also very concerned about best practices and always sacrifice developer experience over user experience.


Hackathon Gendered Pronoun Resolution

Pronoun resolution is part of coreference resolution, the task of pairing an expression to its referring entity. This is an important task for natural language understanding, and the resolution of ambiguous pronouns is a longstanding challenge. Solution write-up is at: A Simple Bert Model


Style Transfer using Pytorch

I used Pytorch to transfer ”style” of one image to another. I used a pretrained 19 layer VGG model and then used outputs of different convolutional layers to grab deatails within the image.


Detecting And Tackling Bias in Machine Learning Models (Ongoing)

The initial approach focuses on predicting the age and gender based on images of faces, with the academic goal of implementing exploring bias in image classification.

My Work

I have tried my hands on a lot of things during my two years at IIT Kanpur. I've been quite involved in learning about newer advancements in Machine Learning and Neural Networks in general. Recently, I've started exploring out and learning React for Frontend Development. Other than coding, I am also an Academic Mentor for the course MTH101/102 in IITK and also Manager, Campus, Outreach Cell.

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